Jan 19, 2024
Sam becomes a working man, Mac & Kat take off to the mountains, Maggie Moore(s) is pretty dark, and we catch up on lots of emails from you, good people of CSTonia.
Movies & TV:
Maggie Moore(s)
The Italian Job (2003)
Ben’s short film:
Other great stuff we like:
Pacem in Terris retreat center
Restoration of Christian Culture from Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey
Restoration of Christian Culture PDF
Sam’s podcast: To Interview Them
liturgical calendar from Sofia institute Press
Gregory the Great’s St. Nicholas Guild
Total Consecration to Jesus Through Mary
Mac’s book! Clueless in Galilee
Please support us through Patreon
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Our libsyn page where you can find all our old episodes
Theme song by Mary Bragg.
Our other show: Spoiled! with Mac and Katherine
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